Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Daily Posting...no matter what it is... :)

So I begin again on this journey of writing. Trying desperately to make a habit out of posting some form of writing once a day! Doesn't sound difficult does it?  Well, it kind of intimidates me. 

Never one to have much of a plan, and too many interest's to list...I live somewhat between two worlds, the physical and spiritual.  The Spiritual I GET, my comfort zone if you will.  The physical plane is another matter entirely. Making plans and keeping track of lists, calender's etc...  just plain make my head swim. I am doing it, slowly and with help from amazing friends. 

Don't get me wrong I am completely okay with who I am, for who I am is one who will compromise and try to make things easier in life in general and personally.  So here I am just letting my fingers move across the keyboard, finding their own way.

Perhaps if I do this enough something good will come out of it. Ever following my Muse...

In Love and Light;

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