Monday, August 1, 2011

The Eccentric Mother's Dilemna, or at least one of them.

Hmmmm, how to start this one... Let's say your kid comes home from church one day after visiting the grandparents  and says "Mommy, the sunday school teacher told me I should believe what she does because what I believe is wrong and people that believe like you do are bad."  REALLY!!!  I should have known, being raised with that impotent mindset. 

How do I take the high road here? I thought about asking said person out to lunch one day to DISCUSS the situation rationally...but then I consider the source... is it worth it?  hmmmm

The bear mama wants to come out, but often when the bear leads...a mess usually follows if not tempered with wisdom and RESTRAINT. 

Now I've got to soap box a bit...WHO do they think they are?  Telling a 9yr old child that their parents are BAD because one of us is paganish and one is athiest...WAY TO FOLLOW THE WORD OF CHRIST!!!  No judgement there OR STEPPING WAY OVER THE LINE WITH SOMEONE'S KID!  ok shhh. I'm yelling again, inhale.....OK.

Tear stained cheeks because he thought HE would be in trouble or cause a problem with the family. That woman needs to read her OWN bible and NOT make my son, an innocent child! feel like a BAD PERSON because he respects all religions and has his own beliefs! The nerve!  ok breathing again.  One thing is for certain...I used to think sure let the kids go with grandma and grandpa to church, introduce them to all of them...I should have remembered my own childhood, one where it was UNACCEPTABLE to believe anything other than what a man in a suit was saying on the podium.  Once again I gave them *bible thumpers* a chance and once again they showed their true colors.  Colors of hate and intollerence.  SO VERY DONE!  Never again will I let my child be exposed to that kind of situation.  I can't blame the folks though, don't even know if they know, so whatever I do about this needs to keep them out of the line of fire, WHY? because I RESPECT THIER BELIEFS!  Knowing damn well they don't respect mine. Hmmmm How ALOT of Christian's have lost their way, they turned away from Jesus and his teachings only to revert to the old testement and it's VENGEFUL GOD. 

Too much? oh I think not enough!  No wonder this country is in the mess it's in...SEPERATE CHURCH AND STATE!!!  Why can't we be One Nation Under LOVE? 

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