Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Sacred is Everywhere.

This is a photograph I took, of a Caladium leaf.  I did of course have to play with it on photoshop, but not alot. 

This version struck me immediatley.  When I look at it I see 10 beings linked arm in arm around a sacred circle.  Above the shoulders are very symbolic shapes all around them. 

I could be completely out of my mind, or I was given a gift from the lifeforce itself.

Either way, this "Mandala Caladium" as I call it, showed me that there are hidden doorways everywhere we look.

  We have but to recognize them, acknowledge them and thank whatever power you believe in. 

These are the rare moments in life, that really don't have to be.

  We just need to pay attention, the enlightenment is there for all of us to find.

Daphne Wilson
     Sometime's words just fail.  No words for the feeling sitting heavily upon me.  No description for the feeling itself. Just a puddle of inky dark water, reflecting only the visual expression upon your face.  Blank and empty eyes staring back at you just beneath the surface. 
     Even when nothing is goin wrong and your world is clipping along as usual, yet you feel left behind and invisible.  Motivation has come and gone yet again. Oh sweet muse where are you hiding? 

Daphne Wilson aka(Silvermyst)

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Merry Meet!  For many many years now I've been playing a game that I was introduced to on the Care2 network.  It's a writier's game of sorts.  YOU send me ONE word that you would like to see me write something about, I write it and then you comment. 

This game is helpful for any writer in my opinion.  It gets those "deadline" juices flowing and soon the words just come.  Sometimes you get a rare gem and sometimes it's just plain funny and everything in between.  If you would like to send me a word I will definately do my best to do justice to it.

Until then, look for a new post to the Journal (hopefully everyday).  Bare with me as I am very new to all this! ;)

Love and Light,

Something New

Okay, I asked myself wether I should post some of my older peices and tidbits, or start something completely new.  My security blanket said "Just post some older stuff first and see how it goes".  My fearless side said "Go for it, you have to start writing again, no matter what comes out just let it out."  Somewhere in between the two I decided to start anew.  The past is gone and won't be forgotten, just being saved for later entries. 

So, here we go.

     I take a deep breath and try to remeber what stuck out most about my day.  As I take each breath I feel the negetive leave me and the positive return.  Just breathing, not thinking just letting all the fragments of the day find their proper place inside the labrynth of the mind.  The heart slows and the chatter quiets, I can see focus within my grasp. 
     Ahhh Focus, the illusive ever tempting muse that always seems just out of reach.  How I long to embrace it, make it part of me, yet alas; It is quickly chased away by the never ending barage of daily life. 
    I don't give in that easily, once perhaps, but the time is now. If I don't live my dreams, how can I tell my children to? What example would I be setting for them?  This question has laid heavy on my mind for quite a few years now and I believe that the time has come, to really FOCUS on my own personal dream.
     As time goes forward as it inevitabely will I hope my musings touch at least one person, for that is my intention as a writer, to not only make someone think, but to perhaps make a small difference by sharing my own experinces.  If by chance there are any readers who feel alone and misunderstood, they can come here and know they are never alone.  We are all connected in the grand scheme of things, therefore we really aren't stranger's  to one another, but kindreds spirits reaching out to one another in love and light, in a world gone mad.

Until next time...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Moving Forward

Well, this is new! I've never actually had a real blog before so this should be very interesting. I'm a writer and have been for over 30yrs now. I'm used to writing my thoughts on napkins and little scraps of paper. This new technology is going to be wonderful, it will hopefully force me to be more organized and finally put my book together(hopefully!).

Be warned I'm very vocal about politics, spirituality, and all those things we were told not to talk about when we were younger. I am a very passionate, empathetic, bleeding heart liberal. On the other hand I am also a poet of sorts and love to write about all the mushy gooshy feelings to better balance the often hard edged political side of things. It's all about BALANCE!
