Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Sacred is Everywhere.

This is a photograph I took, of a Caladium leaf.  I did of course have to play with it on photoshop, but not alot. 

This version struck me immediatley.  When I look at it I see 10 beings linked arm in arm around a sacred circle.  Above the shoulders are very symbolic shapes all around them. 

I could be completely out of my mind, or I was given a gift from the lifeforce itself.

Either way, this "Mandala Caladium" as I call it, showed me that there are hidden doorways everywhere we look.

  We have but to recognize them, acknowledge them and thank whatever power you believe in. 

These are the rare moments in life, that really don't have to be.

  We just need to pay attention, the enlightenment is there for all of us to find.

Daphne Wilson

1 comment:

  1. It is cool that this is from a leaf ... at first I thought it was some kind of stained glass window ... I concur with your thought that there are many things around us ... that are gifts for us to see ... if we are just open to let them in ...
