Thursday, June 30, 2011

The one and only reason (so far) I can say I am an author.

The title is Universe, I got brave one day a few years back and submitted a poem which was published in a book titled A Surrender To The Moon around 2005.  The poem it's self was written in the late 1990's, the scrap piece of paper it was origionally written on still exists in the bits and pieces of the puzzle I'm trying to complete.  I hope you enjoy it. I posted a video to play while reading if you like.  Namaste


Spiral arms enfold us
Countless stars did, do, will shine

Spiral arms enfold them
Far beyond our own

Seperate enities
Carrying seperate entities
To somewhere quite unknown

Pushed forth
Or pulled in
To multiply and carry on

Through times forgoten
And places long gone
Destiny continues
Her life a journey
You can hear it in her song

Daphne Yvonne Wilson

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