Thursday, August 25, 2011

Honor The Sadness

Wow, it's been almost a year since she passed through the veil. It snuck up on me, a profound sadness from the ether's.

Missing the sound of her voice, and her infectious laugh.  Her hugs were felt from head to toe, crying with you when things were blue.  The endless stories of her childhood during the depression. Valued stories that prove what a community can do.

Never rich in financial matters, but a deeply rooted sense of family and friends all working together to keep everyone Safe Healthy and Fed in Body and Spirit.

Her ways were not my own, but each of our paths, if looked upon from the outside in, were indeed one in the same.

It's funny somehow, I'm actually very used to dealing with grief of passed over loved one's, and each time the wheel turns I honor them in my way. Watering the earth just a little, with tears of love.

Often times our lives are hectic and we tend to the daily needs, yet somehow, the light that shines from within knows exactly the right time to help us remember.

Sadness is not always something to avoid. Confronting it transforms it into honor.

I miss ya Gran 

Daphne Yvonne Wilson

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