Wednesday, June 29, 2011


The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to
sacrifice what we are for what we could become.     Charles DuBois

hmmm...Not sure we need to sacrifice what we ARE.  I'm a big fan of becoming.  For me it seems more like the snake shedding it's skin. The sacrifice, imho, is simply not fighting the molt. THAT is sacrifice. Letting go of deeply rooted parts of the psyce that no longer hold power over us, but are so comfortable and defendable that without them we feel naked and alone.   There is a point when shedding old pain from childhood absolutely terrifying and to continue to move forward and let THAT skin shed  IS...SACRIFICE. Who wants to feel so vulnerable?

Apparently me...not on a concious level but deeper down in the very core of the spirit. The sacrifice is giving up fear. Let's face it, it trick's you into thinking it  is the "safe"  place to be.  The sacrifice is throwing one's self  FULLY into the unknown, just to ask a question not knowing if there is an answer or not.  This sacrifices the ties that bind us on a spiritual level so who we are in our center is who we've always been since the beginning of time itself.  Could this be the way we should give to whatever power that moves us? Simply showing the great river of the Multi-verse we are ready to evolve by leaving fear behind. hmmmm.

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