Thursday, June 30, 2011


The light waited the whole day through to peek out and bid us ado.  Now he lumbers close to water's edge, slipping beneath the deep. 

His color's rich with orange, red. purple and blue,  reaching out to touch the night.
Clouds billowing upwards dark bottoms deeply filled.  Backlit the sky is set ablaze.

Night is rising, cooler winds prevail.
Night is coming , the time to unwind reflect and heal.
Night is here, the quite comes, perhaps forgiveness too.

Hold me in your soothing dark arms, surround me with the majik of the moon, until Ra rises again.
Comforted in the shadows of the still dark night.

Take my hand lest we loose our way, let us guide each other all through the night and into the day.

Daphne Y. Wilson

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