Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Title forthcoming

So, I've been afraid! ;)

 I have a quote that is sticking to me no...permiating me. it's a quote from some research I was doing. "Swallower of all the sorrow of the universe to protect the world" Is an atribute of Lord Ganesha

Oversharing. yeah...been busted for that before oh well,.

I believe in the "Community" and how else do we learn from one another better than to share? Even the wacko little moments in life. Pain shared is pain realeased, given back to the sacred earth and aether to be again be reborn beyond the veil. It is not to be judged or ridiculed as one never know's when one will be in a situation to be judged or ridiculed.  Community can't work to it's highest effiency when judgement and ridicule are present. 

We all fall, wisdom comes as you realize the point at which you are starting to fall, and surrender yourself to the rapids of emotional pain, and you CHOOSE to learn from it rather than fight it. Best not to drown in the swirreling abyss.

Being human is a chore honestly...especially when all you see is what could be through love.  Then  you really see what humanity is capable of both positive and negative.  So much suffering in the world...why add to an already unbalanced state of being.  We ALL fall, it's the getting back up just a little quicker each time that counts, that and being there when someone else needs a light out of the darkness. 

Let us never forget the compassion, without which this human race would have already been long gone.


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