Sunday, August 28, 2011

Keeping The Beat

Drums beat
Rhythm flows

Fire burns
Body's start to tremble

The dance begins
The rhythm too strong to deny

Sensual movements
Keeping the beat

Feeling the thunder of drums beneath bare feet

Vibrating to a higher level

Ever closer to feeling complete   

Daphne Yvonne Wilson 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Honor The Sadness

Wow, it's been almost a year since she passed through the veil. It snuck up on me, a profound sadness from the ether's.

Missing the sound of her voice, and her infectious laugh.  Her hugs were felt from head to toe, crying with you when things were blue.  The endless stories of her childhood during the depression. Valued stories that prove what a community can do.

Never rich in financial matters, but a deeply rooted sense of family and friends all working together to keep everyone Safe Healthy and Fed in Body and Spirit.

Her ways were not my own, but each of our paths, if looked upon from the outside in, were indeed one in the same.

It's funny somehow, I'm actually very used to dealing with grief of passed over loved one's, and each time the wheel turns I honor them in my way. Watering the earth just a little, with tears of love.

Often times our lives are hectic and we tend to the daily needs, yet somehow, the light that shines from within knows exactly the right time to help us remember.

Sadness is not always something to avoid. Confronting it transforms it into honor.

I miss ya Gran 

Daphne Yvonne Wilson

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Insomniac Files

When once upon the wee hours we gaze, alas the stars do shine.
 Brightly now with no haze.
 A joy to look upon in the hours between, breathing in the sensuous power  of the night.
 May it be,sweet dreams that do alight upon those who sleep. 
 For those who are still star gazing, be at peace with the wonder's of the Universe
Bask in the glow of the silence of the night

Daphne Yvonne Wilson

Thursday, August 18, 2011

How then, does one spread new wings?

So many years of self doubt and loathing
So many lessons learned.

The Universe provides, sometimes all too quickly
When you least expect it

Suddenly those few along the way
Help me see what they do, in me

Never ever an easy task to learn
To accept what lies in the eyes looking back at you through the looking glass

But once the battle is waged with pure intent
Those harsh eyes staring back slowly, ever so slowly
Soften and eventually shine

The wing's sprout and your destiny continues.

Daphne Yvonne Wilson

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Knowing the Depth

If only words would do...but alas some things can only be grasped by the unspoken knowing deep within the soul.

A knowing so pervasive it fills every cell and molecule of this crude matter.
One can look away from it and continue onward into the unknown the choice is always there.

Time has taught me at least, that the unspoken knowledge that lies within is far more powerful than all the kings horses and all the kings men. It helped put me together again.

Trust the unspoken knowing.

Daphne Y. Wilson

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Daily matter what it is... :)

So I begin again on this journey of writing. Trying desperately to make a habit out of posting some form of writing once a day! Doesn't sound difficult does it?  Well, it kind of intimidates me. 

Never one to have much of a plan, and too many interest's to list...I live somewhat between two worlds, the physical and spiritual.  The Spiritual I GET, my comfort zone if you will.  The physical plane is another matter entirely. Making plans and keeping track of lists, calender's etc...  just plain make my head swim. I am doing it, slowly and with help from amazing friends. 

Don't get me wrong I am completely okay with who I am, for who I am is one who will compromise and try to make things easier in life in general and personally.  So here I am just letting my fingers move across the keyboard, finding their own way.

Perhaps if I do this enough something good will come out of it. Ever following my Muse...

In Love and Light;

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Eccentric Mother's Dilemna, or at least one of them.

Hmmmm, how to start this one... Let's say your kid comes home from church one day after visiting the grandparents  and says "Mommy, the sunday school teacher told me I should believe what she does because what I believe is wrong and people that believe like you do are bad."  REALLY!!!  I should have known, being raised with that impotent mindset. 

How do I take the high road here? I thought about asking said person out to lunch one day to DISCUSS the situation rationally...but then I consider the source... is it worth it?  hmmmm

The bear mama wants to come out, but often when the bear leads...a mess usually follows if not tempered with wisdom and RESTRAINT. 

Now I've got to soap box a bit...WHO do they think they are?  Telling a 9yr old child that their parents are BAD because one of us is paganish and one is athiest...WAY TO FOLLOW THE WORD OF CHRIST!!!  No judgement there OR STEPPING WAY OVER THE LINE WITH SOMEONE'S KID!  ok shhh. I'm yelling again, inhale.....OK.

Tear stained cheeks because he thought HE would be in trouble or cause a problem with the family. That woman needs to read her OWN bible and NOT make my son, an innocent child! feel like a BAD PERSON because he respects all religions and has his own beliefs! The nerve!  ok breathing again.  One thing is for certain...I used to think sure let the kids go with grandma and grandpa to church, introduce them to all of them...I should have remembered my own childhood, one where it was UNACCEPTABLE to believe anything other than what a man in a suit was saying on the podium.  Once again I gave them *bible thumpers* a chance and once again they showed their true colors.  Colors of hate and intollerence.  SO VERY DONE!  Never again will I let my child be exposed to that kind of situation.  I can't blame the folks though, don't even know if they know, so whatever I do about this needs to keep them out of the line of fire, WHY? because I RESPECT THIER BELIEFS!  Knowing damn well they don't respect mine. Hmmmm How ALOT of Christian's have lost their way, they turned away from Jesus and his teachings only to revert to the old testement and it's VENGEFUL GOD. 

Too much? oh I think not enough!  No wonder this country is in the mess it's in...SEPERATE CHURCH AND STATE!!!  Why can't we be One Nation Under LOVE? 

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The one and only reason (so far) I can say I am an author.

The title is Universe, I got brave one day a few years back and submitted a poem which was published in a book titled A Surrender To The Moon around 2005.  The poem it's self was written in the late 1990's, the scrap piece of paper it was origionally written on still exists in the bits and pieces of the puzzle I'm trying to complete.  I hope you enjoy it. I posted a video to play while reading if you like.  Namaste


Spiral arms enfold us
Countless stars did, do, will shine

Spiral arms enfold them
Far beyond our own

Seperate enities
Carrying seperate entities
To somewhere quite unknown

Pushed forth
Or pulled in
To multiply and carry on

Through times forgoten
And places long gone
Destiny continues
Her life a journey
You can hear it in her song

Daphne Yvonne Wilson


The light waited the whole day through to peek out and bid us ado.  Now he lumbers close to water's edge, slipping beneath the deep. 

His color's rich with orange, red. purple and blue,  reaching out to touch the night.
Clouds billowing upwards dark bottoms deeply filled.  Backlit the sky is set ablaze.

Night is rising, cooler winds prevail.
Night is coming , the time to unwind reflect and heal.
Night is here, the quite comes, perhaps forgiveness too.

Hold me in your soothing dark arms, surround me with the majik of the moon, until Ra rises again.
Comforted in the shadows of the still dark night.

Take my hand lest we loose our way, let us guide each other all through the night and into the day.

Daphne Y. Wilson

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Title forthcoming

So, I've been afraid! ;)

 I have a quote that is sticking to me no...permiating me. it's a quote from some research I was doing. "Swallower of all the sorrow of the universe to protect the world" Is an atribute of Lord Ganesha

Oversharing. yeah...been busted for that before oh well,.

I believe in the "Community" and how else do we learn from one another better than to share? Even the wacko little moments in life. Pain shared is pain realeased, given back to the sacred earth and aether to be again be reborn beyond the veil. It is not to be judged or ridiculed as one never know's when one will be in a situation to be judged or ridiculed.  Community can't work to it's highest effiency when judgement and ridicule are present. 

We all fall, wisdom comes as you realize the point at which you are starting to fall, and surrender yourself to the rapids of emotional pain, and you CHOOSE to learn from it rather than fight it. Best not to drown in the swirreling abyss.

Being human is a chore honestly...especially when all you see is what could be through love.  Then  you really see what humanity is capable of both positive and negative.  So much suffering in the world...why add to an already unbalanced state of being.  We ALL fall, it's the getting back up just a little quicker each time that counts, that and being there when someone else needs a light out of the darkness. 

Let us never forget the compassion, without which this human race would have already been long gone.



The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to
sacrifice what we are for what we could become.     Charles DuBois

hmmm...Not sure we need to sacrifice what we ARE.  I'm a big fan of becoming.  For me it seems more like the snake shedding it's skin. The sacrifice, imho, is simply not fighting the molt. THAT is sacrifice. Letting go of deeply rooted parts of the psyce that no longer hold power over us, but are so comfortable and defendable that without them we feel naked and alone.   There is a point when shedding old pain from childhood absolutely terrifying and to continue to move forward and let THAT skin shed  IS...SACRIFICE. Who wants to feel so vulnerable?

Apparently me...not on a concious level but deeper down in the very core of the spirit. The sacrifice is giving up fear. Let's face it, it trick's you into thinking it  is the "safe"  place to be.  The sacrifice is throwing one's self  FULLY into the unknown, just to ask a question not knowing if there is an answer or not.  This sacrifices the ties that bind us on a spiritual level so who we are in our center is who we've always been since the beginning of time itself.  Could this be the way we should give to whatever power that moves us? Simply showing the great river of the Multi-verse we are ready to evolve by leaving fear behind. hmmmm.